If you are a caregiver for an aging or ill parent, check out this new resource and enter for a chance to win a copy of upcoming devotional book “30 Days of Hope When Caring for Aging Parents!”
My husband and I skipped right over the empty-nest stage. The summer our last child left for college, my 80-year-old father-in-law arrived. One young birdie flew out and one old birdie flew in.
For a season, I was helping both my husband with his father and making regular trips to care for my own parents who lived four hours away. I desperately wanted to do it all right, but the responsibilities felt heavy, draining.
Many of you are there now – overwhelmed with the needs of your parents. Burdened with the responsibility of caring for them.
No one prepared us for this!
Yet, here we are, struggling to navigate the family role-reversal. The parents, who cared for us, now need our care.
We truly want to excel at this God-given task, but it challenges us at every turn. Many days it demands more than we feel we have to give. Physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion are constant companions.
Encouragement for the Caregiver Available Soon!
30 Days of Hope When Caring for Aging Parents will be released May 21st! The idea for this devotional book flowed from my own need and life experience. My caregiving journey was still fairly new when I realized I needed a regular flow of spiritual encouragement and refreshment to keep going strong. While many resources exist that provide practical tips and help caregivers navigate the healthcare labyrinth, not many speak directly to our soul needs.
Whether you care for your parent full-time, part-time, or share the responsibilities with a sibling or professional caregiver, this book is for you. 30 Days of Hope When Caring for Aging Parents goes to the Bible to find hope and encouragement for those caring for aging or ill parents. This daily devotional combines Scripture, biblical insight, life experience, reflection questions, and prayer prompts to help you rest in God’s grace and rely on His strength during this challenging season of life. (
Will You Help Spread the Encouragement?
Do you need some encouragement as you care for your parents? Maybe you know others who need encouragement too? I would be honored if you would help me spread the news about 30 Days of Hope When Caring for Aging Parents. Here are a few ways you can find out more and share info about the book with others.
- Read more information.
- Read and share this PDF sample of the first 5 devotions.
- Preorder a copy for yourself or a friend. (Preorders now will give the book more exposure when it’s released!) You can also preorder at New Hope Publishers!
- Check out the 30 Days of Hope When Caring for Aging Parents endorsements for the book.
- Share this blog post on your social media accounts.
- Attend the Facebook Launch Party (more info to come)!
You can enter the drawing up to 3 times! In order for each time to be counted, please make a separate comment for each entry (Note: If you are reading this in an email, click through to the blog post to comment.):
- Preorder a copy of the book and leave a comment letting me know you’ve done it.
- Share this blog post on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest and leave a comments letting me know you’ve done it.
- Leave a comment answering the following question:
In your experience, what has been the most challenging aspect of caring for your ill or aging parent?
This is such a blessing and so very needed.
Most challenging? Not enough hours to care for all of their needs and my immediate family as well. Their critical situation becomes priority and some days it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. One foot in front of the other letting God lead got me through. Praise Him.
Thank you Jane for sharing. In this season, your parents need more of your time. The Spirit’s leading for each moment is definitely a necessity!
The Spirit definitely is my Strength. Caring for parents with needs also provides a new, sweet bonding that I did not have prior to being responsible for their needs. Feeling the Trust in their eyes is so amazing. It is a hard time but a sweet time too. I can now share encouragement to other friends going through the same season. Your book will be one of my tools! Thank you for doing it. It is very needed. I have a friend sitting in hospital with her Mom right now and she was just saying to nurses that there needs to be something like your book! Voila..soon to be! I can’t wait to give her a copy.
I have 2 siblings that care for our widowed mom who has AD. I live 4 hours away and the challenging thing is to accept that I cannot be there the way my siblings are because they live in her town. They now know her in a better/different way than I do. Sometimes I make mistakes that they wouldn’t. I try to take my turn and help when I can, yet I struggle with uncertainty and sometimes guilt feelings.
Oh, I hear you! I have one brother. I was with mom and dad more until we moved them to the city where my brother lives last year. I try to visit regularly to see them and to give my brother and sister-in-law a break. But, I struggle with guilt because I feel I should be there more often, stay longer, etc. When the family is spread out it makes things even harder. We have to depend on God’s strength but also His guidance for each step!
This is something I really need. I am taking care of both my parents who are in their 90’s and am feeling very overwhelmed at times. Thanks for this!
Hi Jayne! I pray God gives you strength, encouragement, comfort and guidance as you carry out this precious God-ordanined task!
This is my first visit. I was web searching info dealing with the sin of envy and found your site and your article of years ago.
I am my 85 year old mother’s part time care-giver. She has dementia and it has been difficult responding to her changing mood from day to day. Sometimes I get a warm hug and sometimes
she pushes me away. A’ quiet and gentle spirit’ is what I pray for her.
God has been giving us grace to care for her the best we can.
Hi Cynthia! I’m glad you found the site. My mother was diagnosed with dementia about 12 years ago, so I understand some of what you deal with daily. Even though we know intellectually that the anger and hurtful words are caused by the disease, it can still cause pain. I pray God will give you and me His power in order to always respond with grace! And yes, I too pray that God will give my Mom a gentle and quiet spirit! Thanks for sharing!
This is such a needed resource. The biggest challenge? My own tiredness at times. And the worrying about them.
Wish I could hurry up the publishing. Been there, done that, and could have used this resource. Have a friend who needs it now! Thank you, for writing it!
Hi Sandra! The books are printed and at the publisher’s! They are ready for release on the 21st! But you don’t have to wait. You can read the first 5 devotions now. There is a link in the post above. And you can even go ahead and preorder. Then it will be on its away as soon as it releases!
I have been in a season of parent care for eighteen years now, and at times it is quite difficult. So many times I have missed out on building my career or spending time with my own children. Currently caring for my father, who is my third care recipient, and he has Parkinson’s Disease and dementia that comes with it. One of the most difficult things in the last twelve months has been trying to stay ahead of the steep decline in cognition. Another challenge is making difficult decisions to keep him safe and then having family members offer feedback based on their own fear and lack of information.
Oh Anthea, it is such a hard journey at times! But I know your faithful commitment to lovingly care for your father pleases God. He will give you everything you need to fulfill His calling to both honor and care for your father. May God strengthen and encourage you today!