When my kids were young, I learned the hard way to be very careful about making promises. Why? Because sometimes, no matter how much I may have wanted to keep the promise, the circumstances were beyond my control. For instance, a promise of a trip to the park could be...
An incident during an anniversary trip to St. John in the US Virgin Islands clearly illustrated to me how God’s strength wraps around our weakness to carry us through times of difficulty. The majority of the trip was glorious! We hiked and snorkeled and relaxed...
In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November to be a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.” For over 150 years, Americans – and people around the world – thank God for...
“Just don’t worry about it.” How many times has someone said that to you when your circumstances truly warranted a little bit of anxiety? If you’re anything like me, you probably thought, “Yeah, right. Easier said than done.” By the way, it was probably a man who said...
You know the old saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going?” Ever wonder just where all those tough people get going to? Well, we know the saying doesn’t mean a place. It’s a proverbial observation of the human condition. When...
Titus Bible Study
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