According to the 2024 State of the Bible report by the American Bible Society, 53% of Americans want to read the Bible more often. So why don’t they?
The top two reasons Christians consistently cite for not reading their Bibles more often are 1) lack of time and 2) lack of confidence that they will be able to understand what they read.
A Quick Look at Lack of Time (Pun Intended)
Yes, we live in a busy culture. Most of our calendars are bursting at the seams. But we do it to ourselves. Recently I heard a wise pastor say, “God has given us all the time we need to do all the things He has given us to do.” In other words, if we don’t have time to read the Bible it’s because we are doing some things – even good things – that we chose ourselves.
Our problem isn’t really a lack of TIME. Our problem is we simply don’t value God’s Word enough. We will make time for the things we care about. (Also see “The Real Reason We Don’t Read Our Bibles” and “4 Spiritual Benefits from God’s Word.”)
Think about this a moment: The one true God, the one who created everything that exists, wants us to know Him. Therefore, He has revealed Himself to us through His written Word, the Bible. He invites us draw close, to learn about His ways, His character, and His eternal plan for us. Yet too often we say, “Maybe tomorrow. I’m just too busy today.”
If you aren’t already in a regular habit of reading the Bible, starting can feel overwhelming. That’s why I encourage people to start small. Begin with a commitment that feels doable. For instance, try two or three days a week for just 10-15 minutes. Make the time, keep at it. Before you know it, you will begin anticipating opening the Scriptures. Here are a few posts that will help you get started:
- “Only 15 Minutes for a Quiet Time?”
- “8 Tips for Fostering Consistency in Your Quiet Time?”
- “12 Ways to Stay Motivated to Read the Bible“
- “11 Tips for a Quality Quiet Time with God“
Building Your Bible Reading Confidence
The Bible intimidates far too many Americans. A 2020 survey by LifeWay Research shows that 57% of Protestant churchgoers struggle to understand the Bible on their own. In other words, Christians want to read their Bibles more, but feel ill-equipped to try.
I can’t do much about our busy culture or your calendar. However I can help you gain confidence that you can understand God’s Word. Bible study doesn’t have to be hard. You just need to be equipped with the right tools.
Here are a few ways I teach people the right way to read and study the Bible:
- In-person and online workshops – I love, love to do this. I’ve taught workshops from 30-minutes long to 4-hours long and several lengths in-between. I teach a simple INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY METHOD I call the 4-R Method. If you are interested in exploring this possibility for your church or women’s group, email me at kathy@kathyhoward.org
- Blogging – Once a week I share Bible study tips, practical helps, instruction, resources, and more. Check it out at KathyHoward.org/blog. In order to not miss a single post, join my mailing list. If you sign up HERE, you’ll also get access to a FREE MINI-STUDY through the book of TITUS.
- “Deep Rooted Devotionals” – This series provides structure and guidance to help you get in, delight in, and apply God’s Word. Each volume, built around the 4-R Bible Study Method, takes the reader on a journey of discovery through a Bible book. FIND OUT MORE about these devotionals through Mark, John, Acts, Romans, and Hebrews.
- Inductive Study Guide – I have compiled all the basics of solid Inductive Bible Study in this PDF Guide. It’s available HERE for a small cost.
- Reading the Bible Together – This closed Facebook group for women provides structure, accountability, and encouragement. We read through one Bible book at a time in daily doable-sized chunks. Bible passages and discussion questions post at 5 am ET on Monday through Friday.
What about you? The Bible is the primary way we hear from God. We can’t hear if we aren’t reading His Word. Are you in Scripture regularly or do you struggle with one or both of these reasons above? Maybe something else? I’d love to help if I can.
Titus Bible Study
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